Ubuntu – Dash to panel/ Dash to dock in Ubuntu 19.10


I just upgraded from Ubuntu 19.04 to 19.10 (fresh installation). In 19.04, I installed an application from Ubuntu Software called dash to panel or dash to dock (it was one of these 2- which one? I don't remember).

It removed the top bar and merged the clock and battery etc. in my dock as:

enter image description here

After switching to 19.10, I tried installing this, because I prefer to have larger "work" area. I searched for both of these in Ubuntu Software, but apparently, I didn't get any search results for these. I'm not sure have it works in Ubuntu- are these extensions not up for 19.10 yet? If yes, are there any alternatives for it? If no, what am I doing wrong? I'm 99.99% sure that it is one of these 2!

Best Answer

I just upgraded to 19.10 myself from 19.04. Dash to Dock seems to have stopped working. I just installed Dash to panel and that seems to work. You can position it on either the top or bottom. And I do like the extra space it provides.

For me I installed it as a gnome extension from the website. https://extensions.gnome.org/

You will need to make sure to have the Gnome Integration Add-on installed in Firefox if it isn't installed already. If it is installed you will see a black foot print towards the top right of the Firefox browser for the Gnome Integration add-on and that can take you to the website.

I hope this helps you out.

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