Ubuntu – Ctrl+C does not quit a running program in terminal

10.04command line

I don't know why, but I've seen this question been asked many times, but none of the answers seem to be helpful, yet the problem is quite obvious, because I verified it on several computers.
Ctrl+C does NOT kill a running program in terminal (Ubuntu v10) even though it's supposed to. I wonder if anyone can actually point a solution that actually works.

So far I've tried Ctrl+\, Ctrl+SysRq+K, and much more – nothing works!

The only thing that did work, sort of, is Ctrl+Z, but it doesn't actually kill/exit the program, but simply puts it in a background and then you still have to do kill %1 to actually kill it.


Best Answer

Note: Answer andded after comments...

I'm pretty sure it will kill most terminal programs; of course, it won't kill the ones that fork a new process, then return the prompt immediately.

Some programs may catch this interrupt and handle it however they want, or even ignore it. It may depend a lot on whether the program is designed to be run in a terminal or from a GUI.

A few of the programs I just tried in 10.04 and 11.10 that will end are:

ping - which runs continuously by default, so this is the only way to stop it;
find - often takes a long time, so it's useful to be able to end it.