Ubuntu – Creating a script with options to access different directories and files

bashcommand linescripts

I have been struggling for a long time to write a script which would have 2 arguments, 1 asking to select a year and 2 asking to select if I want minimum, maximum, average or all to be shown as the last line from the files related to the year selected.

Basically, I have a directory which contains subdirectories of different years (2000, 2001, 2002 etc.) in those directories are subdirectories for months and days which contain (a) file(s) informing about populations (not real info though) of different cities as the last line. That's a part of the tree of the directory:

|-- 2000
|   |-- 01
|   |   `-- 18
|   |       `-- ff_1177818640
|   |-- 02
|   |   |-- 02
|   |   |   `-- ff_1669027271
|   |   |-- 03
|   |   |   `-- ff_234075290
|   |   |-- 10
|   |   |   `-- ff_1584524530
|   |   |-- 14
|   |   |   `-- ff_113807345
|   |   `-- 17
|   |       `-- ff_1452228827
|   |-- 03
|   |   |-- 06
|   |   |   `-- ff_58914249
|   |   `-- 11
|   |       `-- ff_2828212321
|   |-- 04
|   |   `-- 17
|   |       `-- ff_302131884
|   |-- 06
|   |   `-- 13
|   |       `-- ff_2175615745
|   |-- 07
|   |   |-- 07
|   |   |   `-- ff_918426998
|   |   `-- 24
|   |       `-- ff_2808316425
|   |-- 08
|   |   `-- 27
|   |       `-- ff_1449825497
|   |-- 09
|   |   `-- 19
|   |       `-- ff_110255856
|   `-- 12
|       `-- 08
|           `-- ff_1621190
|-- 2001
|   |-- 03
|   |   `-- 21
|   |       `-- ff_517010375
|   |-- 05
|   |   `-- 27
|   |       `-- ff_1458621098
|   |-- 06
|   |   |-- 07
|   |   |   `-- ff_155853916
|   |   |-- 25
|   |   |   |-- ff_2382312387
|   |   |   `-- ff_270731174
|   |   `-- 29
|   |       `-- ff_3228522859
|   |-- 07
|   |   `-- 28
|   |       `-- ff_3215021752
|   |-- 09
|   |   `-- 24
|   |       `-- ff_1080314364
|   `-- 11
|       `-- 24
|           `-- ff_2313722442

All files are formatted the same way:


I need to write a script to be asked which year I need (selecting that directory) and then asking if I want average, minimum, maximum or all of the above to be displayed for population (which is the last line of the files).

This is what I have so far:


function min () {
    echo $(sort -n populations | head -1)

function max () {
    echo $(sort -n populations | tail -1)

function avg () {
    while read line ; do
        num='echo ${line#* }'
        sum='expr $sum + $num'
        count='expr $count + 1'
    done < populations
    avg='expr $sum / $count'
    echo $avg

echo "Please enter the year: "
read s1
echo "
        Enter an option:
        1. Minimum
        2. Maximum
        3. Average
        4. All"
read s2
#echo $s2
for file in $(find ~/filesToSort/$s1 -type f) ; do
    tail -1 $file >> populations
echo $(cat populations)
rm populations

This lets me pick directories, but does not give me the answers that I need, just spits the last lines of my files.

Best Answer

If I was implementing this in bash, I'd do the following. I won't comment on it much: feel free to ask specific questions though -- check the bash man page first if you don't know how a particular command works.


# read the population from all the files
# map the filename to it's population figure
declare -A population
while IFS= read -d '' -r filename; do
    population["$filename"]=$(tail -1 "$filename")
done < <(find . -type f -print0)

# prompt the user for the year
read -rp "What year? " year

# find the relevant files for that year
for filename in "${!population[@]}"; do
    [[ $filename == ./"$year"/* ]] && year_files+=("$filename")
if [[ "${#year_files[@]}" -eq 0 ]]; then
    echo "No files for year '$year'"
    exit 1

PS3="Select a function to calculate: "
select func in minimum maximum average quit; do
    case $func in
            for file in "${year_files[@]}"; do
                if (( min > ${population[$file]} )); then
            echo "Minimum for $year is $min"
            for file in "${year_files[@]}"; do
                if (( max < ${population[$file]} )); then
            echo "Maximum for $year is $max"
            count=0 sum=0
            for file in "${year_files[@]}"; do
                (( sum += ${population[$file]} ))
                (( count++ ))
            echo "Average for $year is $(( sum / count ))"
        quit) exit ;;
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