Ubuntu – Create USB installer to install Ubuntu from the command line

bootcommand linelive-usbserversystem-installation

I'm trying to create a bootable USB image to install Ubuntu on a new computer.

I have done this before following the "create USB drive" instructions for Ubuntu desktop, but I don't have an Ubuntu desktop available.

How can I do the same using only the command line?

Things I've tried:

  • Create bootable USB on Mac OS X following the ubuntu.com "create USB drive" instructions for Mac: Doesn't boot.
  • usb-creator: According to apt-cache search usb-creator and Wikipedia usb-creator only exists as a graphical tool.
  • "Create manually" instructions at help.ubuntu.com: None of the files and directories described (e.g. casper, filesystem.manifest, menu.lst) exist in the ISO image, and I don't know what has replaced them.
  • unetbootin scripting: Requires X server (graphics support) to run, even when fully scripted. (The command sudo unetbootin lang=en method=diskimage isofile=~/ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64.iso installtype=USB targetdrive=/dev/sdg1 autoinstall=yes gives an error message unetbootin: cannot connect to X server.)


Also tried GRUB fiddling: Merging information from

I was able to get halfway there – it booted from USB, displayed the grub menu and started the installation, but the installation did not complete.

For reference, this is the closest I got:

sudo su
  # mount USB pen
mount /dev/sd[X]1 /media/usb
  # install GRUB
grub-install --force --no-floppy --root-directory=/media/usb /dev/sd[X]
  # copy ISO image to USB
cp ~/ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64.iso /media/usb
  # mount ISO image, copy existing grub.cfg
mount ~/ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64.iso /media/iso/ -o loop
cp /media/iso/boot/grub/grub.cfg /media/usb/boot/grub/

I then edited /media/usb/boot/grub.cfg to add an .iso loopback, example grub entry:

menuentry "Install Ubuntu Server" {
  set gfxpayload=keep
  loopback loop /ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64.iso  
  linux (loop)/install/vmlinuz  file=(loop)/preseed/ubuntu-server.seed iso-scan/filename=/ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64.iso quiet --
  initrd (loop)/install/initrd.gz

When booting from USB, this would give me the Grub boot menu and start the installer, but the installer gave up after a couple of screens complaining that it couldn't find the CD-ROM drive. (Naturally, as the box I'm installing on doesn't have an optical drive.)

I resolved this particular issue by giving up and doing the "create USB drive" routine using the Ubuntu Live desktop CD (on a computer that does have an optical drive), then the USB install works.

But I expect that there is some way to do this from the command line of an Ubuntu system without X server and without an optical drive, so the question still stands.

Does anyone know how?

Best Answer

When booting from USB, this would give me the Grub boot menu and start the installer, but the installer gave up after a couple of screens complaining that it couldn't find the CD-ROM drive.

This is a known bug with ubuntu server iso (desktop iso works just fine), but there is a fix to get the packages from the iso on the usb drive: once on the installer, Ctrl+Alt+f2 to open a tty and in the terminal:

mount -t vfat /dev/sdX1 /mnt
ln -sf /mnt/ubuntu-server.iso /dev/sr0

Then switch back to installer and retry to scan cd for packages. It should work.