Ubuntu – Create a keyboard shortcut to move windows to a specific screen edge


CompizConfig Settings Manager in Ubunte versions < 11.04 have the ability to create keyboard shortcuts that will send the currently active window to a specific screen location. e.g. I had my computer set up so that Super + sent the current window to the top-right corner of the current virtual desktop.

So far I have managed to get everything set up the way that I like in Natty without dealing with the chaos den that is the CCSM. In trying to fix this I have seen at least one guide that suggested that Ctrl + Alt + Num 0 to Num 9 will do what I want, which suggests that it is possible in a default install, but I'm on a laptop and have no numpad.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Check out the Grid Plugin in CCSM - you can change the different shortcuts which are usually on the keypad!

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