Ubuntu – Crashplan on headless server


I've Googled a bit and not really found anything out. I want to install Crashplan for remote upload on Crashplan+. How painless is the installation and set up?

Crashplans site is lacking a lot of information from what I've looked at.

The server is headless and while it has GNOME installed, it's not used. So I need something completely console driven.

Best Answer

As long as your usage on that server will be Set & Forget. You will find it very difficult to tweak CrashPlan settings without occasional GUI interaction. I have VNC access to mine for the occasional session - I find I am in there once or twice a month either checking on things or changing something.

You'll find that all the more important if your server is going to be the local backup destination as well as a client for the cloud service. If it's only the latter, you may indeed be Set & Forget in which case Meddy's answer is ALL you need.