Ubuntu – Copy skype chat history to text files


I'd like to convert my Skype chat history to a collection of text files for archival purposes. Ideally, I'd like to have a command (e.g. script or app) so that I could do this on a regular basis.

Any one have any idea on how to go about doing this?

Best Answer

Your Skype chat history is stored inside a file named main.db located by default at:


Open the File

These files are binary files and can be viewed using:

  • a Hex editor like ghex;

  • or a regular editor like GVim;

  • BUT for an efficient analysis, you should use a SQLite editor like Sqliteman:

    Performing a query to select the intended data, you can export the results to CSV, HTML, XLS, SQL and other formats.

Backup the File

You can use a simple cp command to copy the folder to somewhere else you want it to.
You can put this command in a cron.daily if you want it to run daily.

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