Ubuntu – Confusion with printf command

bashcommand line

I have to print the following three lines in one print command without using echo command. So I have chosen printf command.Here are the three lines:

  Different characters can be represented and supported 
  in the print command, for example: 
  x-y, X+Y, –, +, <, >, %, $, #, &.

What I have done so far is:

   printf "
   Different characters can be represented and supported 
   in the print command, for example: 
   x-y, X+Y, –, +, <, >, %, $, #, &.

But I got bash error for the third line ','.

So will anyone enlighten me up.

Best Answer

% is a special character in printf. That's what's causing the error. You need to escape it as %%.

$ may also be substituted when within double quotes by the outer shell, so you should to escape that (\$). It is usually just easier to use single quotes.