I have a USB scale, a USB HID. Currently, when it is plugged in, the permissions only allow the superuser to access it. How can I configure udev to let anybody access this device? I have the vendor and product IDs, but I would like to match it based on the HID type instead.
Right now, I'm having trouble finding any existing rule that applies to this (I grepped for "hidraw" in /lib/udev/rules.d
and /etc/udev/rules.d
, among other things).
Best Answer
Normally, this is done by adding to
a file maybe named50-usb-scale.conf
with contents like this:Where HEX1 and HEX2 are replaced with the vendor and product id respectively.
To match on the Interface type instead, you could try replacing
ATTR{idVendor}=="HEX1", ATTR{idProduct}=="HEX2"
with a match forbInterfaceClass
(HID):But be warned, that will catch mice and keyboards too.