Ubuntu – Configure run command in Awesome window manager


I am using the Awesome window manager – I like it.

When I press mod+R I get the run command on the top left of the screen. Here if I type in a command exactly correct it runs the application.

How can I make the mod+R box smart? Example: If I press 'f' and then 'up arrow' it will auto search for applications (or through my run history) that begin with 'f' (like firefox).

Best Answer

the standard awesome prompt just doesn't provide this function, you'd have to switch to a different one, I'm using http://code.google.com/p/bashrun2 which behaves very much like standard bash, it won't do the firefoxy thing though (unless you use things like !f[ENTER]). After installing bashrun you need to edit /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua to change mod+r default behaviour, find the lines:

-- Prompt
awful.key({ modkey },            "r",     function () mypromptbox[mouse.screen]:run() end),

and by applying information from http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/FAQ#How_to_use_a_keycode_in_a_keybinding.3F we arrive at something like

-- Prompt
awful.key({ modkey },            "r",     function () exec("bashrun2") end),

This seemes fine to me, but I havent tested this lua code myself.

Hope this helps.

EDIT: I (the original poster) had to do:

awful.key({ modkey, }, "r",         function () awful.util.spawn('bashrun2') end)
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