How to Configure Dual Monitors with Different Resolutions on Nvidia


I have two monitors at work. One is a Dell 27 inch with 4K resolution and the other one is a Dell 20 inch at 1680 x 1050.

However, due to the resolution difference between these two monitors, the system interface look so small on the 4K monitor. I tried the unity tweak tool to scale the font and system interface to make the 4K monitor looks great however, it simultaneously enlarges the font and interface of the small monitor and makes it hard to use.

Is there a way to adjust the font and interface scaling independently for these two monitors? I'd also need one to be rotated by 270°

I am using Nvidia GTX 980 as the display card.

Best Answer

if you're using Gnome on Ubuntu, you can use xrandr command to make screens different from one another. For example:

xrandr --output HDMI1 --scale 2x2 --mode 1920x1200 --fb 3840x2160 --pos 0x0
xrandr --output DVI-0 --scale 1x1 --pos 320x2160

--scale 2x2 - make everything on 4K screen twice larger

--mode XxY - explicitly set the resolution for the screen (not necessary if is already set)

--fb XxY - set the size of a virtual screen (framebuffer) (this iss very important. Without this, you will be able to use only a fourth of your screen). That maximum framebuffer size might be specified in xorg.conf - then you cannot exceed it (it is written in the first line of xrandr -q output).

--pos XxY - in my case I set the absolute positioning of the screens, so my laptop screen is directly on the bottom of the external screen.

sources: Arch Wiki Page and This post

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