Ubuntu – .conf page for Firefox’s about:config


Is there any such .conf file for Firefox to edit about:config?

Best Answer

As Rinzwind already pointed out, the prefs.js file is what changes when you use about:config. It actually is a javascript file though, but it mostly just calls the user_pref() function many times (for me it’s over 100).

If you’re looking to make changes to Firefox configuration though it generally works better to create a user.js file in the same location as prefs.js. On startup, Firefox first runs prefs.js to load those settings, then runs user.js. Once you exit, the settings from user.js are also saved in prefs.js. Firefox doesn’t write to user.js so you won’t lose your settings, and it’ll be easy to manage just a few lines of settings there instead of being mixed in with everything else in prefs.js.