Ubuntu – Completely remove MATE desktop from Ubuntu MATE 16.04


I have Ubuntu MATE 16.04 on my laptop. I have installed Cinnamon 3.0 using embrosyn's PPA

However, now when I try to login to my laptop, every time I have to select the Cinnamon desktop manually, which is very frustrating.

How can I completely remove MATE and make Cinnamon default desktop environment?

Best Answer

To completely remove MATE:

Uninstall mate-desktop

To remove just mate-desktop package itself from Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) execute on terminal:

sudo apt-get remove mate-desktop

Uninstall mate-desktop and it's dependent packages

To remove the mate-desktop package and any other dependant package which are no longer needed from Ubuntu Xenial.

sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove mate-desktop

Purging mate-desktop

If you also want to delete configuration and/or data files of mate-desktop from Ubuntu Xenial then this will work:

sudo apt-get purge mate-desktop

To delete configuration and/or data files of mate-desktop and it's dependencies from Ubuntu Xenial then execute:

sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove mate-desktop