Ubuntu – Closing the lid isn’t toggeling standby anymore after update in Lubuntu. How to fix that


On my netbook closing the lid only leads to lock screen and not to standby in Lubuntu. That happened after the update on 11. 0.

In 11.04 that worked without problem. Also, in 11. 10 Ubuntu (Unity) closing the lid leads to standby.

So how can I achieve the same in Lubuntu 11.10?

Best Answer

  1. Right click on the battery icon on the taskbar.

  2. Select 'Preferences' from the resulting menu (which should bring up the XFCE4 Power Manager Preferences).

  3. Set the desired action to perform when the laptop lid is closed ('suspend' = 'standby' I think). Make sure you set the desired action for both 'On AC' and 'On Battery'.

NOTE: If you don't have a battery icon on the taskbar you can access the 'XFCE4 Power Manager Preferences' from Menu --> Preferences --> Power Manager

If you do not have a 'Power Manager' entry under the 'Preferences' menu, follow amjjawad's excellent advice from this thread over on ubuntuforums.org.

In a terminal type:

sudo leafpad /usr/share/applications/xfce4-power-manager-settings.desktop

Replace this line:


With (add a # before the line):


Save the file and 'Power Manager' should now be in Menu --> Preferences.

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