Ubuntu – Clicking a window’s decoration brings the window to the top, but clicking elswhere does not!


To bring a window to the "top" via the mouse (ie. to bring it above other overlapping windows), I need to click on the window decoration.

Clicking anywhere else in the window, activates the window, but does not bring it to the top. Overlapping windows remain overlapped (obscuring the window I've just clicked on… until I click on the window decoration).
This mouse-click issue occurs with a maximized window too.

Keyboard actions like <Alt>+Tab work fine; the window comes fully into view.

This behaviour is the same for:
* Compiz window manager (with the GTK window decorator)
* Compiz window manager (with the Emerald window decorator)
* Metacity window manager

Is there some magic button to press to bring things back to normal?

Best Answer

In CompizConfig Settings, under General Options, check Raise on click.

If you don't have CompizConfig, install package compizconfig-settings-manager.

enter image description here