Ubuntu – Cinnamon Desktop – Clicking menu->shutdown presents no real button options


When I click Menu then Shutdown (Quit) i get the following dialog:

| Session                   x |
|                             |
| Shutdown this system now?   |
| __________                  |
| |Cancel  x|                 |

(Seems like I can't press print screen when the shutdown dialog is open so I can't provide a screenshot for this issue.)

Why have I only got a cancel button and how do I fix this as there used to be shutdown, reboot, logout?

Best Answer

Found this somewhere else and it fixed the problem for me.

Updating to Cinnamon 2.6 (using the PPA ppa:moorkai/cinnamon), and executing the commands below, has solved the issue for me (after a restart).

gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.session settings-daemon-uses-logind true
gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.session session-manager-uses-logind true
gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.session screensaver-uses-logind false