FSTAB – CIFS Mount Through FSTAB Not Mounting at Boot


I have a CIFS share on my NAS that I want to have mounted at boot – it's used by my MythTV server as the main media store. I added an entry into fstab to have it mount but it doesn't. It appears that, after looking through my system logs, fstab is being read before my network interfaces are coming online. Is there any edit I can make to the fstab entry that would alter this?

The fstab entry for mounting the share is:

\\\mythtv\media  /media/mybooklive  cifs  username=user,password=pass,umask=002,uid=136,gid=144,iocharset=utf8   0       0

It mounts fine after boot when I issue sudo mount -a and there are no other issues with it.


Best Answer

It is a syntax error, I think you need a "/" rather then a "\", like this

//  /media/mybooklive  cifs  username=user,password=pass,_netdev,umask=002,uid=136,gid=144,iocharset=utf8  0 0

See : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently for additional information.