Ubuntu – Chrome fonts too narrow and line spacing too big


My Chrome fonts are too narrow and line spacing is too big:

Chrome fonts  too narrow and line spacing too big

How do change the settings to make it display the fonts properly? By the way, this issue is not related to fonts size type of thing though. Any ideas?

Edit: Is this due to certain font-family style? I've found arial,sans-serif in multiple places upon inspecting the webpage in Chrome.

Best Answer

My solution is simple but mostly credited to @Jos.

Make sure ttf-mscorefonts-installer is installed correctly in the system. If not, uninstall and reinstall it with the following commands.

  1. sudo dpkg -P ttf-mscorefonts-installer

  2. sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

  3. Use TAB and Enter keys to navigate the installing process.

  4. sudo fc-cache

And it should work properly now. But It may not apply to everybody else's situation though.