Ubuntu – chrome download interrupted leaving “.crdownload” temporary file


I am using Google Chrome 15.0.874.121 in Ubuntu 10.10. It was fine until recently. Whenever download a file, it always reports "Interrupted", but it actually finishes the downloading, leaving an intermediate file with extension ".crdownload". If removed the extension, the file will be perfect.

Note that downloading in Firefox works fine at the same time.

So I wonder if it is a bug or how I can fix it?

Thanks and regards!

Best Answer

It seems like apparmor is blocking Chromium to save files to non standard directories. I expected adjusting the /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/user-download file would do the trick, but it only fixed the same issue I had with Firefox. In Chromium I'm still getting the same interrupted downloads when saving to external media.

I added owner /media/** rwl, to /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/user-download.

There seem to be issues with the current Chromium build related to this, causing the error when saving to NTFS / FAT file systems as these don't support chmod. Link to issue on Chromium codebase

I just tested with a daily stable build from their ppa but this doesn't help.. Version is 16.0.912.75 (Developer Build 116452 Linux) Ubuntu 11.10