Ubuntu – Choose password for new keyring


I'm using Ubuntu 11.04, after login it displays this message:

Choose password for new keyring

An application wants to create a new
keyring called 'Default'. Choose
password you want to use for it.

System is just hanged…not able to do anything. [Except the terminal login using (alt+ctr+f1)].

What is the keyring is all about? How to get rid of it? I'm stuck here.

I have removed the file keyring file @ home/.gnome2/keyring…still the issue remains.

Could you please tell me command based solution…[I tried with seahorse, however "terminal can not open display"] and i dont want to restart the system.

Best Answer

Keyring is used by applications to store your passwords and cryptographic keys in secure manner. It must be protected, either by separate password or being unlocked when you login (with password).

You can manage your keyrings by going to System Settings -> Passwords and Encryption Keys

See also: GNOME Keyring in wiki