Ubuntu – Cheese won’t run in framebuffer


When I try to run Cheese from terminal I receive this error message:

Clutter-CRITICAL **: Unable to initialize Clutter: Unable to find
suitable fbconfig for the GLX context: Unable to find fbconfig with
rgba visual

Obviously, seems to be something about this fbconfig, that I presume is connected to framebuffer. My SiS video card uses framebuffer to display 1280×800 maximum resolution. In previous versions I had used Cheese without problems.

Someone can give me more light about this issue?

Best Answer

Cheese in Ubuntu 11.10 started using the Clutter GUI toolkit, which requires working hardware OpenGL support. Unfortunately, your SiS card doesn't support enough OpenGL to allow Cheese to work. More GNOME apps plan to transition to Clutter over time (we shipped an older version of Totem in 11.10 because the newer version uses Clutter), so this problem is likely to get worse for you over time.

This may get resolved in 12.04 due to some of the work being done upstream on the software OpenGL renderer.