Cheese Config – Cheese Config File Location


I would like to do a fresh install of cheese. I have purge-removed the package and re-installed but when I open up cheese it has my old settings. Where are the cheese config files located? I would like to remove the cheese config file and I have tried searching for the config file in my home directory with

~ $ find -name '*cheese*'

But I still can't find it. I am running ubuntu 12.10.

Best Answer

In the habit of Gnome applications, Cheese stores its configuration data in the dconf configuration system rather than in plain files.

To access that, you could use a GUI program called dconf-editor from the package dconf-tools Install dconf-tools Ubuntu package:

sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

Cheese uses the /apps/cheese /org/gnome/cheese(since 14.04) gconf path:

Ubuntu Cheese dconf-editor screenshot

You could easily play with the settings (they all typically have well-documented schemata displayed in the bottom of the dconf-editor window), and, ultimately, wipe the settings clean by resetting the values to defaults (non-defaults are highlighted with bold font as you can see on my screenshot).

Besides dconf-editor, you can also do this from the command line:

gsettings reset-recursively org.gnome.Cheese:/apps/cheese

UPD since I don't know when, that gives an error:

Schema “org.gnome.Cheese” is not relocatable (path must not be specified)

Which simply asks to call it without the /apps/cheese path, like this:

gsettings reset-recursively org.gnome.Cheese