Ubuntu – changing mouse acceleration and speed xinput


How do I disable mouse acceleration and still get my mouse to go fast? The settings in the menu are too slow and don't disable the acceleration fully. I've tried doing xinput set-prop '11' 'Device Accel Profile' -1 and xinput set-prop '11' 'Device Accel Constant Deceleration' 1/5.

Although it gets rid of the acceleration the mouse moves very slow now. Even xset m 2 0 doesn't change anything after I enter the xinput codes.

How can I increase mouse speed while getting rid of mouse acceleration?

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

Best Answer

The way to set it is in terminal not xset m.

First, use xinput --list --short and write down your mouse ID. Mine is (8). Save it.

Next, in the terminal, type:

xinput --list-props yourMouseId

Press enter and find the Device Accel Constant Deceleration #. Mine is (270). Write it down, behind your mouses ID.

Now, in the terminal, type:

xinput --set-prop 8 270 7

If this is too slow, retype the command but lower the last #. Try 6 or 5 or 4 and down till you got the speed you like.

One last thing: If your mouse is too slow, try going into the settings of mouse and touchpad and use the speed slider there to your liking.