Ubuntu – Changed hostname, closed before changing hosts, now sudo is broken, catch-22!


I'm using Lubuntu 12.04.

I was trying to change my computer name to "main" and I messed up, I'm not sure what to do now.

I was following the directions on this page.

Here's what I did:

sudo leafpad /etc/hostname

I changed the name, then stupidly closed the file, before changing "/etc/hosts"

Now when I try to move on to the next step (sudo leafpad /etc/hosts), or try any command that begins with "sudo" I get this error:

sudo: unable to resolve host main
No protocol specified
No protocol specified

I can see that the problem is that I've changed the hostname, so the computer's bewildered by my efforts to use sudo because now hostname and hosts don't match. All I need to do is change the name in hosts, but of course I can't do that without sudo.

Any ideas?

Best Answer


You should be able to fix it from the recovery console, you will need to remount the filesystem with rw permissions and then use a commandline editor e.g. after dropping to the root shell,


# mount -o remount,rw /
# nano /etc/hosts

and make your changes... Ctrl-o to save and Ctrl-x to quit

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