Ubuntu – Change Unity Default Dash Shortcuts


I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 running Unity Desktop and I'd like to change the default shortcuts of the Unity Dash (Super+a for Application, Super+c for Photos, Super+v for Videos, etc.) but can't find the options anywhere.
I already looked in Unity-Tweak-Tool and CompizConfig-Settings-Manager.

Can they be changed?

I really just use the Dash with tapping the Super key and I'd like to assign the other shortcuts to other applications.

There is also a problem with the Super+t shortcut. It opens the trash, though I reassigned it to the terminal in the keyboard settings.
Also the 'Show Desktop' shortcut is set to Ctrl+Alt+d but still lives on Super+D (They work both at the moment … )

Seems like it's hardcoded, or am I wrong?

Best Answer

Parcial answer: to change some of the shortcuts you mention (Super + a, c, v,...) you need to edit the proper file ending with .scope that you'll find in /usr/share/unity/scopes (you need to be superuser in order to edit these files).

For example, if you want to reassign the shortcut super + a with the compiz manager you first need to find the file: /usr/share/unity/scopes/applications.scope and change the line: "Shortcut=a" by a letter you won't use ("Shortcut=n" for instance).

Hope it helps.