Ubuntu – Change the name of a desktop environment on the GDM and Unity Greeter login screens


I want to know how to rename a desktop environment in Ubuntu to a custom name —

What I want to do is change the Gnome Flashback (Compiz) desktop to one called nekOS 7 Public Beta

as well as the Gnome Flashback (Metacity) one to nekOS 7 Public Beta (LGM) for "Low Graphics Mode," since Metacity is "lighter on the system."

Any way to accomplish this?

An image of what I am talking about: Ubuntu desktop selector

Best Answer

This should work for LightDM, GDM, KDM and LXDM:

Desktop environment choices in e.g. unity greeter are defined by .desktop files in /usr/share/xsessions (X.org) and /usr/share/wayland-sessions (Wayland). These should be added automatically when you install a desktop environment from the official ubuntu repositories. Edit the corresponding file (e.g. openbox.desktop if you want to rename openbox) and change the name (the line starting with Name=...).