Ubuntu – change the image of the icons on the taskbar


Am I able to change the images of the currently running programs on my taskbar? I have one very useful program with a very ugly and outdated icon and I'd like to change it.

Best Answer

Check this: Where are the Unity Launcher .desktop files?

Open the .desktop file you want the icon changed for and there will be a

[Desktop Entry]

Obviously the file name behind "Icon=" is what you need to replace. From UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles:

Icon field is the icon that should be used by the launcher and represents the application. All icons that are under the directory /usr/share/pixmaps don't need to have their full path specified, but their filename without the extension. For example, if the icon file is /usr/share/pixmaps/wallch.png, then the Icon field should be just 'wallch'. All other icons should have their full path specified.

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