Ubuntu – Change shutdown confirmation timer


I would like to change the timer on the "The system will power off automatically in 60 seconds" dialog. The battery on my device dies about 30 seconds into this message.

There doesn't seem to be a setting for this in the usual places (gsettings, dconf, system settings, etc).

I am not interested in removing this dialog or changing the shutdown behavior, I just want to change the amount of time that it waits.

Best Answer

Remark: hitting the shutdown option TWICE will ignore the timer and shutdown regarding the timer. That might be another option for you.



Important part:

# If the current X console user is running a power management daemon that
# handles suspend/resume requests, let them handle policy This is effectively
# the same as 'acpi-support's '/usr/share/acpi-support/policy-funcs' file.

[ -r /usr/share/acpi-support/power-funcs ] && getXconsole
PMS="gnome-settings-daemon kpowersave xfce4-power-manager"
PMS="$PMS guidance-power-manager.py dalston-power-applet"
PMS="$PMS mate-settings-daemon"
PMS="$PMS unity-settings-daemon"

Your might have more options (I checked 16.04.4 server ) It has several options in the to test for different desktops. Assuming you are using systemd: systemd-login uses /etc/systemd/logind.conf for its settings.


So I would expect this one:


Specifies the maximum time a system shutdown or 
sleep request is delayed due to an inhibitor lock of type "delay" 
being active before the inhibitor is ignored and the operation 
executes anyway. Defaults to 5.
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