Ubuntu – Change Gnome popup notification text colour


How can I change the colour of the text below the title in popup notifications?

I have installed 20.04 (Gnome 3.36.1) with Adapta theme (specifically Adapta-Eta).

As you can see, the text below "Laravel Mix" is barely visible. I have tried to find the CSS selector in /usr/share/themes/Adapta-Eta/gnome-shell/gnome-shell.css, but none of the changes I have made have any effect.

popup with dark text

When I hover over the popup notification, the text colour changes to white(ish) legible text.

popup with light

Can someone please tell me which CSS selector corresponds to the text "Build successful"? Also, after making changes do I need reload the session for those changes to be reflected?

Thanks in advance!


This issue is not related to Laravel Mix, which simply displays NPM asset build notifications. Using notify-send to generate test notifications results in the same issue.

When I execute notify-send foo bar, "foo" is light, while "bar" is barely visible:

popup foo

Best Answer

You need to change or in my case add the following selectors:

.notification-banner .message-title, .notification-banner:focus .message-title, .notification-banner:active .message-title { color: #eeeeec; } .notification-banner .message-content, .notification-banner:focus .message-content, .notification-banner:active .message-content { color: #eeeeec; }

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