Command-Line – How to Use the cd Command When cd.. and cd- Commands Not Found

cd-commandcommand line

I am using Precise pangolin. As far as I know, commands like




are used to browse through folders in the terminal.

But whenever I enter one of this commands, it gives an error saying no such command or filename found. Do I have to perform any additional task before I use commands involving cd?

Best Answer

Common Commands

View Directories: ls

The ls (LiSt) lists files in different colors with full formatted text

Create Directories: mkdir (directory name)

The mkdir (MaKeDIRectory) command will create a directory.

Change Directories: cd (/directory/location)

The cd (ChangeDirectory) command will change from your current directory to any directory you specify.

Copy Files/Directories: cp (file or directory name) (to directory or filename)

The cp (CoPy) command will copy any files you specify. The cp -r command will copy any directories you specify.

Remove Files/Directories: rm (file or directory name)

The rm (ReMove) command will delete any filename you specify. The rm -r command will remove any directory you specify.

Rename Files/Directories: mv (file or directory name)

The mv (MoVe) command will rename/move any file or directory you specify.

Find Files/Directories: locate (file or directory name)

to go back to previous directory: cd ..(cd [space] ..)

just for extra information

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