Uninstall – Can’t Remove a Package Not Installed


I'm trying to update my version of Catfish search, which is currently 0.6.4 and I'm trying to get 0.7. I installed 0.7 and it said it was installed in software centre, but when I click the shortcut, I get served 0.6.4.

So I uninstalled catfish from the software centre – now it says 0.7 is available to install (so I must have done the software source / PPA bit right), but the icon is still in the shortcut menu & when I click it:

Catfish (0.6.4) is still there.

So I did "sudo apt-get remove catfish" and it says "not installed so not removed". Yet if i type "catfish", up it pops, instantly. I did some googling, did "sudo apt-get remove catfish –purge" which removed one file.

Catfish is still there.

Since I installed 0.6.4 and previously 0.6.3 from zip files and those files are all in my home folder, I deleted all those files.

Catfish is still there.

Can anyone specular as to what's going on?! Thanks.

Best Answer

One option would be to go to the folder you installed it from (where the Makefile resides - pretty much where you unzipped it to in the first place, and where you navigated for the initial make install command) and typing sudo make uninstall. Generally speaking this will remove the files that were copied to various places during the installation process (if it's appearing in your Dash then it's unlikely to have only put files into the home folder)

The reason the apt-get commands aren't working for you is that you installed from a zip file - apt-get only controls packages downloaded from the repositories, so you can only apt-get remove or apt-get purge packages you apt-get installed in the first place.

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