Ubuntu – Can’t launch Google Chrome in Ubuntu 14.04


I have installed the 14.04 LTS in clean. then I use wget the chrome.deb for 64 bit from Google and dpkg -i *.deb to install the chrome in my Ubuntu 14.04,however I can't launch it and get errors as below, could you please help me to solve this problem?

$ google-chrome
[2697:2697:0616/211443:ERROR:process_singleton_linux.cc(394)] readlink failed: no authority
[2697:2697:0616/211443:ERROR:process_singleton_linux.cc(240)] readlink(/home/frank/.config/google-chrome/SingletonLock) failed: no authority
[2697:2697:0616/211443:ERROR:process_singleton_linux.cc(240)] readlink(/home/frank/.config/google-chrome/SingletonLock) failed: no authority
[2697:2697:0616/211443:ERROR:process_singleton_linux.cc(264)] Failed to create /home/frank/.config/google-chrome/SingletonLock: no authority
[2697:2697:0616/211443:ERROR:process_singleton_linux.cc(394)] readlink failed: no authority
[2697:2697:0616/211443:ERROR:process_singleton_linux.cc(240)] readlink(/home/frank/.config/google-chrome/SingletonLock) failed: no authority
[2697:2697:0616/211443:ERROR:chrome_browser_main.cc(1209)] Failed to create a ProcessSingleton for your profile directory. This means that running multiple instances would start multiple browser processes rather than opening a new window in the existing process. Aborting now to avoid profile corruption.

Best Answer

Correct the ownership, assuming frank is your username:

chown -R frank:frank /home/frank

and the permissions for all folders:

find /home/frank -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 775

775 - These are the default permissions when you create a new folder.

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