Nvidia System Installation – Can’t Install Ubuntu 14.04, Shows Black Screen on GTX 750 Ti


I'm having trouble installing Ubuntu 14.04 from flash drive. I can see the options for trying, installing and checking disk for defects but if choose any of them it's just a black screen. I can hear a jingle when I try "Try Ubuntu without installing" and "Install Ubuntu" options but it's still a black screen.
I have Intel i5 4570, GTX 750 Ti with 4GB of RAM.
I do have Ubuntu 14.04 installed right now but I want to totally reinstall it.

Best Answer

Wait longer.

I have an Intel i3-3225, 8 GB RAM, GTX 750 Ti. I booted 14.04 off a 2GB usb stick and chose "Try Ubuntu without installing". I got the black screen and thought I had replicated your error, but after waiting a while the mouse showed up, then waiting a little longer the desktop displayed. So if you haven't yet, try waiting several minutes.

If waiting longer doesn't work, shout down your PC and unplug your graphics card from the motherboard. Your processor model has Intel HD graphics which has better supported drivers than that brand-spankin-new graphics card does. Do your fresh install of Ubuntu on the Intel HD Graphics. When that's done, shut it down and plug your card pack in.