Ubuntu – Can’t install Oracle J2EE due to “An internal Error has occurred”


I am trying to install Oracle JavaEE 6 SDK with Glassfish on Ubuntu 12.04 with Java SDK 7.
I have downloaded java_ee_sdk-6u4-jdk7-linux-x64.sh already, but when I run it on terminal, the wizard appears, and after few steps, I get an Error Message Dialog:

An internal Error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator… null.

And, the terminal is showing something like

WARNING: Could not process a navigation event for command=AC_NEXT
[Command=AC_NEXT Error=null ]

What can I do? How can I install J2EE/Glassfish under linux x64?

Best Answer

For your information: To install J2EE and Glassfish, we can use the Open Source version (Community Server): http://glassfish.java.net/ Just download and start it. It works!