Installation Issues – Can’t Install or Try Live CDs of Ubuntu and Kubuntu


I see the following messages from both primary and alternate Ubuntu and Kubuntu Live Cds.

error: "prefix" is not set. 


booting a command list
you need to load a kernel first

Both these messages are displayed very early in the boot process, the first just after the boot begins and the second immediately after I select from the "Try or install" menu.

Selecting any option from "Try or install" leaves the system locked that needs a hard reboot.

I always see this on Live Cd's of Ubuntu/Kubuntu 12.04. But never on a Live USB.

Best Answer

You say 'burnt onto a CD'. It should be on a DVD as it is oversized. Brasero would tell you that. If you used a buggy CD burner it might have burned you a buggy CD. This is why you are not getting the problem with a USB stick.

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