Ubuntu – Why can’t I get Android Studio from umake anymore


I have used ubuntu-make aka umake to install Android Studio and setup the full Android SDK. But since I have upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Kubuntu to be precise) I am not able to install Android stack this way. Here is my console output:

$ umake android
ERROR: A default framework for category Android was requested where there is none
usage: umake android [-h] {android-ndk} ...

Apparently, there is no android-studio or android-sdk option available. Does anyone know why? Also, same goes for eclipse under ide section.

Best Answer

To install Android Studio in Ubuntu 16.04 ,You need the latest version of umake which is 16.05 . Check your umake version using

umake --version

you need to not, install umake from the standard ubuntu repositories, instead add ubuntu-desktop repository to get latest umake version. Add repository by

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make

Update software Source

sudo apt-get update

Now install/upgrade umake

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-make

Now install Android Studio by

sudo umake android android-studio
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