Can’t Download or Install ISO File for Windows on USB with WoeUSB – Fix Guide


Whenever I try it says:

Installation failed!
Exit code: 256
Error: Target device is currently busy, unmount all mounted partitions in target device then try again
/usr/bin/woeusb: line 512: 31020 Terminated              
while true; do  
    sleep 0.05; echo 'pulse';
Target device is busy, please make sure you unmount all filesystems on target device before detaching it.

How can I fix it?

Best Answer

WoeUSB requires that the target device (the USB drive that you inserted) be unmounted before it can write anything to it. Open the Disks application, select the USB device that you inserted in the left pane of Disks and unmount it. Click the black square marked by a red arrow in the below screenshot to unmount the selected partition.

enter image description here

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