Ubuntu – can’t create folder after mounting partition


I tried to mount an ext4 partition by double clicking it.

After that in its properties I found that permissions were only to root.

I tried to create a new folder in it but that option was not allowed so what I did was starting terminal from /media/username/ and then

sudo chmod 777 "partition name" 

After that permissions now still exclusive to root but I can do whatever I couldn't do before.

My question is, was that operation incorrect? What is the best approach to solve such a problem?

Best Answer

You mean, root is still the owner. To make yourself the owner, when logged in as yourself, run:

sudo chown -R $USER: /media/$USER/"partition name"

-R for recursively, so all the contents are yours too

Then fix the permissions because 777 is not a good choice since anyone can write here now; this gives write permission only to the owner:

sudo chmod 755 /media/$USER/"partition name"

Please note, it's fine to change ownership and permissions on mount points like this, but NOT advisable to do so on devices like /dev/sda1

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