Boot – How to Fix Windows Boot Issues After Installing Ubuntu


I started to use Ubuntu in April. I thought it would give me the option whether to boot into Ubuntu or Windows at each start. But that didn't happen. But I was happy with Ubuntu and didn't have time so I didn't try to get dual boot working.

Now my father has stepped up pressure on me to either have a dual boot working or remove Ubuntu.

2 months back I tried repairing Windows (was suggested by a friend) by using the CD but still I didn't get the dual boot option.

Recently, after searching the web I found out that a lot of people do use dual boot
but I still don't get what I should do even after searching a lot

I have 2 hard drives, the primary has Ubuntu 12.04 LTS as well as Windows 7. In the secondary hard drive there is another Windows 7 installed.
All I want is to have the option to boot on of the OS in my primary hard disk only.

I took help from the people Ubuntu servers in Xchat. They asked me for the following things:

  1. To open GParted and screen shot of it
  2. grub.cfg in /boot/grub
  3. grub file in /etc/default/grub
  4. Video of how my computer boots up

I am writing the links for these (according to the numbers up)

  4. [the thing written in the middle of the video (when the rectangle box appears)is – "ATENCION"(1st line) "92K/58HZ"(2nd line) "FREQUENCIA FUERA DE MARGEN"(3rd line)] check this clear pic –

The helpful people out there came to the conclusion that my monitor is old and unsupported for dual boot.

Somehow I couldn't digest that so please examine things out and help me out.
People its even your responsibility to save a Ubuntu fan like me.

Best Answer

The Monitor is saying "Attention 92K/58HZ Frequency out of range." This means the monitor is not able to display the Grub menu as the Grub is sending it in a form that the monitor can't recognize.

Try the following:

gksu gedit /etc/default/grub

Uncomment (delete the # from the beginning) the following line.


Save and exit gedit.

Use the update-grub command:

sudo update-grub


If at any of these setting changes the computer becomes unbootable, you will have to boot from Ubuntu Live CD (Try Ubuntu) and revert the changes in /etc/default/grub in your hard drive.

Explanation: When you boot the computer first the BIOS loads. Then GRUB loads. At this stage no OS is loaded and the computer has limited graphics capability. By default GRUB assumes the monitor can handle some graphics without the help of CPU, as most modern monitors can.

This monitor is very old and cannot handle the default display resolution of the GRUB menu. So it was showing the error message while GRUB was trying to show the menu choices. Since you couldn't see the menu, you waited till GRUB timed out and loaded the default OS Ubuntu. By commenting out the line GRUB_TERMINAL=console we told GRUB to display the menu in old "text-mode" style that your monitor can display without any help from the CPU.