Ubuntu – can’t access to a folder even after chmod 777


I just created a new user, and I want to give access to a folder.

I have done:

chmod -R 777 ./p

and this is the result

lisa@linux:/media$ ls -halt
drwxr-xr-x  27 root      root   4,0K dic 11 11:57 ..
drwxrwxrwx+  3 pierpaolo utenti 4,0K dic  8 23:48 p
drwxr-xr-x   3 root      root   4,0K set 10 12:20 .
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root      root     45 ago  5 01:22 .directory -> /etc/kubuntu-default-settings/directory-media

But still, i can not cd in to the folder (permission denied). Any idea how to approach this problem or debug it?


getacl gives:

# file: p
# owner: pierpaolo
# group: utenti

The folder i want to access by the new user is a second hard disk that has been mounted in /etc/fstab using the following command:

UUID=FEB222A8B222657D /media/p/Seagate  ntfs-3g  defaults,windows_names,locale=it_IT.UTF-8  0 0

Best Answer

This happens because there is a directory higher in the tree where you do not have execute permission. If a parent directory has no execute permission for some user, then that user cannot stat any subdirectories regardless of the permissions on those subdirectories.


$ ls -l cake
drwxr-xr-x 2 zanna zanna 4096 Jul 12 11:43 brownies
$ chmod 666 cake
$ ls -l cake/brownies
ls: cannot access 'cake/brownies': Permission Denied

Even though I am the owner of the directory 'brownies' and all users have permission to read and enter it, I can't access it if its parent directory has no execute permission.

It's better to use groups to manage permissions than give to give directories 777 permission.

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