Ubuntu – Can’t a process see environment variables set in /etc/environment


I defined several environment variables in /etc/environment, but a process (build started by TeamCity) cannot see their values. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here.. this is the content of my /etc/environment file:



ACTIVEMQ_OPTS_MEMORY="-Xms128m -Xmx192m"


The build started by TeamCity uses a Maven runner, and which at some point kicks an Ant build. Since the build was failing, I used Ant to print all environment variables in the system:

<!-- Provides all environment variables as Ant properties prefixed by "env.".
For example, CLASSPATH would be accessible in Ant as ${env.CLASSPATH} -->
<property environment="env"/>

<echo>List of all Environment Variables found in the system:</echo>
        <propertyref prefix="env."/>

Sure enough, the ones I set in /etc/environment don't show up.

The build agent running this is started using Ubuntu's Startup app's, where I configured it to run the command:

sudo -H -u administrator /bin/bash --login -c "~administrator/BuildAgent/bin/agent.sh start"

Could it be that this line runs before /etc/environment are set?

If I do a echo $CATALINA_HOME I see the value properly set, but the build for some reason cannot see it…

NOTE: Although I know it is the wrong way of doing it, I also tried adding export to the declarations inside /etc/environment, without any success. Then I removed it.

NOTE 2: I rebooted the machine after making changes to /etc/environment file, of course.

I'm on 14.04 LTS Server with minimal desktop installed (ubuntu-desktop –no–install-recommends) plus a few extras.

Any help is appreciated, thank you!

Best Answer

Read carefully sudoers man page Command environment section.

try -i option: if sudo's -i option (initial login) is specified, sudoers will initialize the environment regardless of the value of env_reset. The DISPLAY, PATH and TERM variables remain unchanged; HOME, MAIL, SHELL, USER, and LOGNAME are set based on the target user. On AIX (and Linux systems without PAM), the contents of /etc/environment are also included. All other environment variables are removed..

    sudo -u administrator -i "~administrator/BuildAgent/bin/agent.sh start"

If you are using PAM authentication, here is a useful link: Difference between /etc/security/pam_env.conf and /etc/environment + making sudo read pam_env.conf

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