Ubuntu – Cannot write to Folder mounted with SSHFS


I just created a folder according to SSHFS (Ubuntu Docs)

sudo apt-get install sshfs
sudo gpasswd -a jm fuse
sshfs -o idmap=user jm@example.com:/path/to/folder folder

Then I found that the folder is mounted, but I cannot write to it. The permissions seems fine


But I even tried with

chmod -R 777 ./folder

Still no go

UPDATE: It seems I can't write using NetBeans only. But it works with LeafPad for example

Best Answer

Your update indicates that only certain applications are having trouble writing to the sshfs mount. You might have to enable one or more of the "workarounds" listed in the sshfs man page. I would start with the "truncate" and "rename" workarounds:

sshfs -o idmap=user -o workaround=truncate:rename jm@example.com:/path/to/folder folder
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