Ubuntu – Cannot move VirtualBox window

desktop-environmentsmateubuntu-matevirtualboxwindows 10

I have a weired sympton with a fresh Windos 10 guest OS under VirtualBox 5.1.28 under Ubutunu-MATE 16.04:

I can't move the window at all, when [x] Auto Capture Keyboard is on.

Neither dragging the outer windows borders (resize), nor the titlebar (indeed just move the virtuabl box. So this is not about auto-resize on or off…). If I deactivate the option, things work fine again. (I do not even understand the relation). – sounds like a virtual box bug? Can't reproduce the opposite, but I have been working with virtual box (and Win7 guests) for long, never encountered this until 2 weeks ago.

enter image description here

But then, common shortcuts I have defined in host and guest, don't work on the guest but rather the host (i.e. WIN-R to get a run programm…). So, of course capturing is desirable.

Best Answer

I find the same thing when imwheel is running, the utility that allows change to the mouse wheel. Holding down the Right-Control dows allow VirtualBox windows to be moved around.