Ubuntu – Cannot install guest additions in Ubuntu 13.04 on VBox 4.2.12


I've had the same issue with the previous version but I was able to fix it. I've just updated to ubuntu 13.04 and now have the same problem again. Basically, I cannot install the guest additions from the desktop because the compiz application fails and I just see the background, there is no way for me to autorun the vbox additions. So I need to open the command shell from GRUB, mount the cd and run the Linux Additions from there. Everything is fine for step one and two. However, when I try

sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run

I receive an error message regarding Read-only file system.

mkdir: cannot create directory `/tmp/selfgz741': Read-only file system
Cannot create target directory /tmp/selfgz741

Here is the permissions for the /tmp folder:

drwxrwxrwt  root  root  tmp

I'm wondering what is required so that I can write in the /tmp folder.
Also, when I'm in the console, i'm connected as root@virtualbox.


Best Answer

Open up a terminal and cd to the directory where VBoxLinuxAdditions.run is located

example: cd /media/user1/VBOXADDITIONS_4.2.12_84980/

And run the command below

sudo sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run