USB – Installation of Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS from USB Fails Due to Missing .udeb File


I am trying to install Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS on a server that has only USB boot capability (no cdrom, no pxe). I have tried to use 3 different tools but all have failed. The tools I have tried are these:

Linux Live USB Creator 2.8.27: Fails when the installer gets to "Load installer components from CD"

Universal USB Installer Failed fairly early trying to mount /mount/casper (or something like that)

UNetbootin (no version info): Failed when the installer gets to "Load installer components from CD"

How do I (from windows 7 x64) prepare the ISO on to a USB drive to allow me to install ubuntu?


I have checked the install log (/var/log/syslog) to see why it fails and this is what I see:

anna[9142] WARNING **: package retrieval failed
cdrom-retriever: error: Unable to find 'pool/main/l/linux-lts-saucy/block-modules-3.11.0-15-generic-di_3.11.0-15.25~precise1_amd64.udeb'

Checking that folder, the closest resembling file is this:


The only difference is 'amd64' is 'amd6' and '.udeb' is '.ude'.

As more than 1 tool generates this error, could this be a mastering error in the 12.04.4 amd64 ubuntu server iso file?

Best Answer

Try Rufus to make a bootable USB-Drive. Get it here

or here


Since it's portable you don't even need to install this programm and is therefore usable even if you don't have admin rights.

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