Ubuntu – Cannot download softwares from the Software Center


I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 on my computer that has Windows7 on it as well.
I was first trying to upload Chromium and I got this error:

Package dependencies cannot be resolved

This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time

This came up when I was trying to download Chromium, Skype and VLC, though there was no problem downloading Geany or 7zip.

Once again, I haven't done anything before on Ubuntu.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

There might be updates pending that need to be installed before installing software. Make sure that your software sources are updated.

To update your system press Alt+F2 while in your desktop and look for update-manager

enter image description here

Press Check and after it is finished press Install Updates.

Has an option you can open a terminal and do the same with sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade. This is preferable since if you get any errors you can copy them and include them in your question.

To open a terminal just press the keys Ctrl+t while in your desktop.

Reboot to be sure and try to install the software again.

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