Ubuntu – Cannot connect Ubuntu to starbucks wifi network


Sometimes the network at Starbucks accepts me automatically with out asking me to accept the terms and conditions, etc. And sometimes when it doesn't accept me, this is what I see.

enter image description here

Of course, this wouldn't be a problem if the "accept" button would pop up like it does on OSX, or if I knew how to find it…

What I have to do instead is to:

  1. reboot
  2. initialize OSX
  3. try to connect to the internet/click on 'accept' because it pops up autmagically
  4. get access to the internet
  5. reboot into Ubuntu (which is what I am using to post currently)

What seems to be happening is: the Starbucks network is adding me to the list of allowed users after clicking on the 'accept' button, therefore I can have access after rebooting Ubuntu.
I don't want to reboot my system 3 times just to connect to the Internet.

If anyone knows a solution to this problem I would appreciate it.

Best Answer

The issue is it recognises that the WiFi connection is trying to “hijack” the secure connection. It prevents this.

To avoid this, navigate to http://neverssl.com. This webpage will never use HTTPS and family, so it will always be “hijackable” by the WiFi.