Ubuntu – Cannot add PPA ERROR user or team does not exist


Running on a freshly booted instance of ubuntu 16.04 LTS cloud image, I'm trying to add juju ppa with the following command:

ubuntu@gateway:~$ sudo add-apt-repository --update ppa:juju/stable
Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:~juju/ubuntu/stable'.
ERROR: '~juju' user or team does not exist.

Few contextual information:

  • I'm connected through ssh on this gateway machine
  • this instance is running in our openstack private cloud
  • it has access to the web (ie "apt update" runs fine)
  • there is a proxy for http/https which is set in /etc/environment
  • we installed our on SSL certificate issuer for https proxy

I'm pretty sure it's related to the last point and/or the proxy that is not correctly used by add-apt-repository… Any help would be welcome.

Best Answer

The cert should be added by add-apt automatically. if you are sure that there is no typo in the PPA name, maybe try without the --update. I am using the syntax without --update and it worked fine. You could also check the normal url in a browser:


It should list the structure with the files. If not check that address. Using /etc/apt/sources.list you could also add the path manually, but then need to download the certificate and install it in /etc/apt/trusted.d folder.


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