Ubuntu – Can uGet downloader be used as downloader for Firefox without Flashgot


I use Flashgot and know what it can do, but it seems that at least for the moment there's a problem with the way it works with uGet in recognizing the names of videos (see a comment under here).

I would like to know if one can use this good downloader with Firefox without this addon being involved.

Best Answer

Yes you can.

There is not a uGet specific addon because of the addons already that make this possible but if you don't want to use FlashGot then you can use OpenWith.

OpenWith is designed to open up links in different browsers but you can add uGet instead.

Edited on March 7th, 2014:

The issue that was solved below is no longer an issue with the latest version of FlashGot so if you have an old version just update it and the issue will be fixed.

However, the problem that you have with FlashGot can be solved by adding a new entry in FlashGot and filling it out like the following screenshot.

enter image description here