software-center – Using Ubuntu Software Center When Ubuntu Software Isn’t Working on 16.04


I just installed Ubuntu 16.04 and noticed that Ubuntu Software (GNOME software) isn't working at all. It seems as if it can't even connect to the internet. When I click on an app icon, it goes to a new screen and stays blank for hours. I can't even see my own installed apps!
1. So, I installed the Ubuntu software center (USC). Is there a disadvantage? Will it be updated with new apps as they come up?
2. Is there a way to get Ubuntu software working?
(I'm an Ubuntu noob)

Best Answer

"I installed the Ubuntu software centre (USC). Is there a disadvantage?"

Yes, it is slow compared to Gnome-software.

"Will it be updated with new apps as they come up?"

Yes, it uses the same repository for software, the app will update with the repository.

"Is there a way to get Ubuntu software working?"

First thing to do, as you say it is a new install is

sudo apt dist-upgrade

to make sure the packages are up to date, this will fix most issues with Gnome-software.

As Karel already explained installing software-center, I won't repeat it here but it should just work.